Thursday, October 31, 2019

Massachusetts Health Reform Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Massachusetts Health Reform Policy - Essay Example Public policy is a complex process which involves collaboration of various players to act toward achievement of that public policy. It involves development of laws, regulations, decisions and actions towards the policy achievement. This paper addresses health care policy and reform undertaken in Massachusetts health care in United States America (Kowalcyzk, 2006). Health care provision in USA has been a major debate over along period. The debate has centered on right to health care, accessibility, sustainability and the quality of health care system. Although United States heath care system is the most expensive in the world which consists a mixture of public and private system, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicated that use of health services was below its meridian. National Academy of Sciences and the institute of Medicine cited that US is the only developed state that does not cover its citizens, thus the debate on universal health care policy. The United States government policy which seeks to provide universal health care has been a major debate which has divided Americans along party lines. ... Those against universal healthcare argue for people to be let free to choose their health insurance. The universal health program is yet to be achieved in US (Sered, 2005). Massachusetts health care reform (2006) Before enactment in to law of Massachusetts healthcare reform in 2006 as Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2006 of the Massachusetts Legislature, most of the residents approximated to range from 395,000 to 653,000 were uninsured. US laws require all people to be treated in all hospitals regardless of residency or whether one has money or not. This brought unpaid hospital bills and expenses due to the uninsured residents in Massachusetts (Richard, 2005). A fund known as "Uncompensated Care pool" was used to reimburse hospitals the expenses of uninsured residents and those of non residents. The fund was raised through state contributions, federal tax revenue and annual assessment on insurance providers. The fund accumulated due to an increase in insured Massachusetts residents prompting the legislation of reform on health care without additional funding. The Massachusetts health care reform was made law in 2006. The law requires every Massachusetts resident to obtain cover of health insurance. Subsidized health care is provided to residents earning up to 100% of federal poverty level and partially to those earning up to 300% of the federal poverty level. An independent body was put in place to subsidize coverage and to facilitate the selection and buying of private insurance. Tax penalties are given to residents who fail to obtain health insurance (Kowalcyzk, 2006). Legislation of the policy The plan to cover uninsured began in 2004 when Governor Mitt Romney called for a cover plan for the uninsured. At that Affordable Care

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Environmental Influences Essay Example for Free

Environmental Influences Essay A global plastic manufacturer, Riordan Manufacturing is on top among others in the field of plastic injection molding, with annual projected earnings of $46 millions. As an industry leader, Riordan have a labor force of 550 employees and have state-of-the art design capabilities that create innovative plastic designs which won an international acclaim. With its present capabilities, Riordan remains a strong and vibrant company in the industry. Riordan’s plan to open up new business in other country is not new as Riordan manufacturing has one in China. India is another country that has a strong potential for business to thrive. However, the company needs to consider pertinent ethics issues that are highly valued in that country. Of Course, India is a country with very sensitive culture especially in matter of religion. Which you identify the three most pertinent ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in your selected country The most pertinent ethics issues Riordan manufacturing must take into considerations in putting up business in India should be the following; discrimination, sensitivity to local customs and tradition, and sensitivity to the economic condition of the society. While Riordan’s primary interest is to gain profits, they certainly need a strong workforce to facilitate its operation. However, Riordan manufacturing must address the ethics issues of discrimination confronting the employee-employer relationship in relation to employment. The ethics issues involve in hiring employees lies on how the management treats their employees, which according to Crane and Matten (2007) can serve as a moral hazard to employees. The situation of the Indian economy is potential breeding ground for discrimination as the government allows the hiring of employees on contractual basis. Davenport, Crotty, and Torres cited that Indian Law â€Å"starts from the common law premise that an employer has a right to terminate the services of an employee without giving a reason. Riordan Manufacturing can easily fall into temptation to exploit this law to serve its own interest at the expense of the contractual employees. Although it might be allowed by law, terminating employees merely on the ground of fixed contact terms allows the company to select the kind of employees they desired. This is discrimination because in effect, they are ejecting employees they do not like in favor of others whom they desired. Crane and Matten stated that discrimination in essence â€Å"is a violation of Rawl’s Theory of Justice, that social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are attached to the offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity† (p. 273). The next ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in India are the sensitivity to local customs and tradition. India is known for its religious culture of regarding life as sacred whether human or animal life. Indeed, for Hindus, cows are sacred. Failure to respect local customs and tradition proved to be disastrous. This is clearly seen in the case of Disneyland in Paris whose initial failure was blamed for Disney’s lack of sufficient awareness of the local cultures. Riordan Manufacturing therefore must be aware of India’s local customs and traditions in order not to repeat the same mistake that caused Disney Company hundreds of millions of dollars in losses during the initial years of Disneyland in Paris. Since the company’s products are plastic beverage containers, it assumes no direct connection to what the Hindus regarded as sacred, however, Riordan manufacturing must be able to draw a clear concept reflecting the company’s fair dealing and high regard for ethical issues. Finally, Riordan Manufacturing must be able to demonstrate sensitivity to economic condition of the community. The company must contribute to the local government’s effort of community development by first of all providing employment opportunities to local residents, paying required taxes and other required fees to the local government, and avoid any express transactions via under the table arrangements. Riordan Marketing should also able to recognize its role not only as profit oriented company, but also a business organization responsible to both its shareholders stakeholders. That is, the company must care for the environmental and cultural impact of its business operation. How do these ethics issues impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing efforts Negatively, the lesson that was learned by Disney Company during the initial years of its operation in Paris is the answer how these ethics issues can impact Riordan manufacturing’s marketing efforts. Failure to consider these ethics issues will certainly lead to serious losses as it will affect the domestic market’s behavior in view of indifferent patronage of Riordan’s product. As Chryssides and Kaler (1993) pointed out, Riordan Marketing must recognize that business â€Å"is not just a matter of economic exchange of money, commodities, and profits; it involves human interactions, is basic to human society, and is intertwined with the political, social, legal, and cultural life of society (p. 37). Riordan Marketing’s failure to settle the ethics issues as cited above could seriously damage the marketing of the product and might even come to worse if a campaign to boycott the product will be spearheaded by any radical organization. India, being second most populous nation on earth and is a fast industrializing economy can be a huge market for Riordan Marketing promising a potential profits for the company. Positively however, the ethics issues discussed above can provide Riordan a positive image and insure domestic patronage if those ethics issues are observed by the company. The ethics issues properly addressed can reduce the negative impact of marketing, and it will also enhance the consumer well-being. Vilcox and Mohan (2007) aptly stated that ethics issues can â€Å"increase its positive impact by providing consumers with goods and services that can enhance their overall quality of life† (p. 50). The impact therefore of those ethics issues can be achieved by the company through creating a positive company image based on cultural awareness, respect and incorporating the customs and tradition to the company’s business strategy. If Riordan Manufacturing also wanted to consider marketing to a broader region that included your selected country (e. g. , Europe, Asia), what impact would this have on their marketing strategy? The impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing to a broader region is dependent of the company’s overall image. Based on the company’s history and current business performances, Riordan Manufacturing enjoys a very highly organized and well secure business transaction. They have no bad previous records in terms of their internal operation. The company’s human resource has an excellent policy with regard to employee-employer relationships and in terms of benefits the company provides its employees. The company’s ethical reputation of the company will certainly have good impact on their regional marketing strategy. Indeed, Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is ethical marketing. In a paper entitled â€Å"PR Campaign: Final Paper† of the University of Phoenix Public Relation dated 2007, the paper stated that Riordan Manufacturing is focused on creating an organization that recognize the individual employee’s importance to the company. According to the paper, the Riordan Manufacturing is bent on creating a socially responsible company to the community which is the stakeholder in this case. Furthermore, the company is doing its best to inform the public that although their products may not always be environmentally friendly, they are completely conscious of the public concerns (PR Campaign). Thus, even if Riordan Marketing will consider marketing to a broader region that includes India, it will not have negative impact on their marketing strategy especially in India because they have not violated any cultural issues or the local customs and tradition of the host country. Rather, addressing ethics issues such as those discussed above will always yield potential gains for the company. Considering that Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is it self ethical marketing, it means they are on the right track as ethics deals with what is good for the majority. The impact of these ethics issues is that it will enhance the company’s public relations that will surely have an immense impact on Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy. The point therefore is clear, Riordan Manufacturing’s success in creating a company that is highly anchored on ethical principles and values will help them determine its course of success both in the broader region and in a particular country like India. In the meantime, Riordan Manufacturing is on its way of transforming itself towards a company that cares on every spheres of their operation ethically. They are a company that acknowledges responsibility on all their stakeholders beginning from their own employees, the organization, the community, and the country where it operates. Reference List Crane, A. Matten, D. (2007) Business Ethics USA: University Press Chryssides, G. D. Kaler, J. H. (1993) An Introduction to Business Ethics UK: Cengage Learning EMEA Davenport, G. , Crotty, M. , Torres, P. (2000) Termination of Employment Digest Switzerland: I LO Pr Campaign: Final Paper January 29, 2007 http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Pr-Campaign-Final-Paper/119681 Vilcox, M. W. Mohan, T. (2007) Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Trends in Housekeeping Departments in Hospitality

Trends in Housekeeping Departments in Hospitality AN ESSSAY ON THE 5 TRENDS IN THE HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT OF THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY CHAPTER 1 THE HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT 1.1 ABOUT HOUSEKEEPING The first thing that comes to our mind when we talk about the word housekeeping is cleanliness. Every time we enter a five star hotel, the reason why it still looks new and the same every time is because of the Housekeeping department. These Housekeepers work day in and day out in shifts to maintain the standards of the hotel. The aesthetic appeal helps the guest to form a first impression about the hotel. To run a successful hotel, the Housekeeping department plays a crucial role. Even when the hotel’s service is not up to the standards a clean environment or more specifically a clean room could bring back guests again. Even though the Housekeeping is not a revenue generating department, the executive housekeepers need to carefully plan the budget, so that the housekeeping department does not swallow huge funds that could be a potential harm for the hotels future. The complementary kept in each room needs to be carefully monitored always. CHAPTER 2 TRENDS IN THE HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT 2.1 KEEPING UP WITH THE CHANGES Running a successful Housekeeping department is not an easy task. The Executive Housekeeper needs to be very flexible and spontaneous in dealing with guests. With so many websites coming up, which has eased the process of making reservations. The user is given the chance to compare the tariffs and then choose what suits him the best. However, the user also has the opportunity to read reviews of guests who have already experienced the hospitality. The hotel needs to maintain their standards always. With increased market competition even small mistakes could lose guests. Since the appearance and cleanliness is the first thing guest’s talk about, the Housekeeping department need to be on their toes. CHAPTER 3 3. NEW TECHNIQUES FOR STAFF MANAGEMENT 3.1 EFFECTIVE STAFF MANAGEMENT In any hotel, managing staff is the biggest task faced by the employer. When it comes to the Housekeeping department it involves hard labor with long working hours. It is not easy to motivate the employees as it is monotonous and tiring. The management should always take the necessary steps to reduce the high employee turnover. Since the Housekeeping department is in charge of the hotel regarding the rooms and the public areas, there has to be complete co-ordination with the other departments so that the work flow is smooth and fast. 3.2 OVERCOMING THE LANGUAGE BARRIER Most hotels employ staff who cannot speak English. It is a common phenomenon in most hotels around the world. The staff would be professionals at their work but when it comes to communication, their skill would be lacking because of the lack of education. The staff would be very experienced and very skillful though. Since the Housekeepers are in direct contact with the hotel guests, communication is a key aspect. When the guest and a hotel staff find it tough to communicate, it slows things. Communication is also required to co-ordinate with the other departments so that work flow is smooth. At the end of the day, effective communication is the key to success. 3.3 NEW COMMUNICATIVE TECHNIQUES FOLLOWED Many hotels have come up with interesting techniques of communication. This helps the staff to learn quickly and also grasp things easily. Since the staff are trained in these terms, they start relating to it and slowly learn. a. COLOUR CODING Hotels nowadays, are using colour coding’s to differentiate between the various chemicals and wiping products used to clean different areas. The staff can co-relate the colour to the specific wiping product. b. NUMBERING The other option used by hotels is where certain common problems are pre-numbered. This way the staff just need to see which problem comes under what number and they could work with ease. Other training facilities are also available. 3.4 THE BENEFITS The work flow in the hotel becomes easier. Leads to effective Housekeeping planning. The staff get to learn things fast. CHAPTER 4 4. LIGHTING IN HOTELS Lighting plays a very crucial role in any hotel. It actually has the power to make a place look beautiful if it is done to perfection. Hotel’s need to be lit up always whether guests are coming or not as long as they are open. The lighting companies have come a long way, from the time of halogen bulbs to today’s LED strips. When we talk about lighting, they consider it as an investment for the hotel. The lighting can sometimes even hide the mistakes done by the Housekeeping department or vice versa. Hotel’s concentrate a lot on the lighting. 4.1 DIFFERENT KINDS OF LIGHTING The lighting in hotels has seen a lot of changes in the past few years. The LED strips have taken the lime light of lighting. Even though they are expensive, hotels have understood that their benefits far outweigh the costs. However, with further improvisation hotels have come up with this new idea of using ‘ceiling motion sensor lighting’. They in turn help in reducing the costs of the hotel even more. a. PIE DIAGRAM SHOWING THE ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION BY HOTELS 4.2 CEILING MOTION SENSOR LIGHTING a) About ceiling sensor motion lighting Various statistics have proven that lighting takes up 30 percent of the energy in hotels. However LED lighting have helped in reducing the energy consumption in a large level, ceiling motion sensor lighting have helped hotels to save energy even further. However these sensors reduce the life of the lights marginally but significantly increase the longevity of the lamps. These motion sensors work either through infrared signals or ultrasonic waves. They work according to motion or difference in the body temperature. 4.3 THE ADVANTAGES These sensors help in reducing the energy consumed in less used areas. The Housekeeping staff need not switch off the lights when they are done as they automatically work. The light would appropriately fall only on the areas where the guest needs. It has proven been that the life of the bulb increases. Reduces the operational cost of the hotel. 4.4 LIMITATIONS The life of the bulb is reduced marginally because they turn on and off regularly. 4.5 USER’S Many hotels feel that this motion sensor has helped them in a huge way because it helps in saving energy in areas which aren’t in use that often. Especially in very large hotels where the public areas are not used. The savings in light energy help hotels to increase their earnings in net income by 2 percent. And in a country like the United States, where hotels is the third largest industry these trends help the hotels in a huge way. CHAPTER 5 5. THE CHANGES IN MINIBAR Tiny fridges found in hotel rooms stocked up with alcoholic beverages, canned juices and aerated drinks are called as minibars. They can be found in almost every hotel. It used to be a luxury but as time went by almost all hotels started having minibars in their rooms. No one knows why the products found in the room are very expensive. However most of the time they are outdated or spoilt. In almost every property the minibars are managed by the Housekeepers because they go to the room on a daily basis and also avoids fights between the FB and Housekeeping department. There would be a lot of theft by staff and they would blame each other. In order to avoid this many hotels have come up with new ideas to overcome this problem. 5.1 MINIBARS GOING EXTINCT Lately, many hotels all over the world have slowly stopped providing guests with minibars in the room. These minibars proved to be costly and managing them was very exhaustive. Many guests do not use the minibar facilities as they are priced very high. 5.2 NEW TRENDS IN MINIBAR Many hotels nowadays have come up with new ideas that reduce the cost of maintaining the minibars. These new trends proved to be useful as they also increased the revenue of the hotel. 5.3 THE CONCEPT OF FEED THE FRIDGE A famous five star hotel chain in Orlando has come up with this unique concept called â€Å"FEED THE FRIDGE†. In this program the hotel has completely stopped filling up the minibars with goodies and beverages. Instead the hotel asks the guests what he/she would prefer before their arrival. This new initiative by the hotel was very different compared to other hotels as it also reduced the burden on the Housekeeping department. The hotel also offers the guest with various packages, where the guests can pre order during reservation. This way the guest can choose what they want and use. â€Å"A Sparkling wine package†, which would include champagne with a choice of cheese and crackers. â€Å"Night at the movies†, this includes beer, water or wine with popcorn and a chocolate bar. â€Å"Energizer†, this package come with three energy drinks for the guest and costs $15. â€Å"Card shark†, comes with a pack of cards and a six pack beer. This costs the guest $18. 5.4 USER’S VIEW According to the hotel’s executive Mr. Menelik Tefera, this program proved to be very useful. It cut down the hotel’s cost by $500.00 on a monthly basis. This also helped the hotel in avoiding fights between different departments. He feels this initiative by the hotel has also improved the revenue of in room dining. CHAPTER-6 6. ROOM CLEANING EQUIPMENTS 6.1 THE IMPORTANCE OF CLEAN ROOMS Rooms are a major source of revenue for hotels. They in fact are the hotel’s majority source of income. Even if a hotel has clean rooms it can attract a lot of guests and repeat guest. It need not be part of a very big chain of hotels too. People travelling all over the world are looking for rooms at standard prices and hygienic rooms. Clean and hygienic rooms play a crucial role in the guest’s experience at a hotel. It is important that the hotel takes utmost importance for this aspect. Negative remarks through word of mouth can bring down a hotel. 6.2 CLEANING EQUIPMENTS Over the years there have been improvements for the housekeeping department that made cleaning of rooms faster and easier. With the increase in demand for rooms, the need to clean the room quickly and sell is very crucial. Since there are many hotels, the need to maintain good guest relations is very important. Many companies have come out with equipment’s that has made maintenance and cleaning easy for the housekeepers. One such company called DUPLEX SOLUTIONS. 6.3 DUPLEX SOLUTIONS This company came up with a unique technology that cleans rooms quickly using dry steam at very high temperatures. These equipment’s are specialized to clean specific areas. Even though cleaning is a very time consuming job, this equipment reduces the time to clean a room. a. KEY FEATURES It is very fast and efficient. Cleans the surface at very high temperatures using microfiber technology. It also dries the floor very quickly and does not involve any chemicals. Room cleaning is done at 155 degree Celsius and 94 percent dry steam and deodorizing. This helps the hotel to equip itself for any huge outbreaks. These equipment’s are used for outdoor cleaning as well. b. AREA OF USE Upholstery of chairs and sofas. Mattresses and beds. Curtains and drapes. Spills and bed bugs on carpets. Hard floors. Bathroom can be cleaned in 4 minutes. CHAPTER 7 7. LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT 7.1 ABOUT LAUNDRY One of the major divisions under the Housekeeping department is the laundry service. Different hotels follow various methods of processing their laundry. Laundry includes both the guest’s clothes and the hotel’s linen. The maintenance of laundry is very crucial for hotels. It involves huge costs and hotels need to make sure that these costs don’t exceed the hotels budget. 7.2 TRENDS IN LAUNDRY The laundry department has been seeing various changes over the years. Most hotels either choose in house laundry or it is outsourced to other cleaners. According to the hotel’s budget whichever method is adopted. Other than this, big hotels need to have a proper count of their linen. They need to make sure that loss or theft is minimized. Other problems in hotels is maintaining these linen sheets. Due to the use of chemicals and detergents, the linen lose their look and texture. This would in turn cause huge operational costs for the hotel. A few trends adopted in hotels are: 1. Advanced washing techniques (Green Practices). 2. Hotel linen tracking system. 7.3 ADVANCED WASHING TECHNIQUES a. XEROS BEAD CLEANING (ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY PRACTICE) This company specializes in making washing machines which help hotels to clean linen in a very eco-friendly manner. They have come up with a unique technology through which the linen are washed through polymer technology. Even though water is the primary resource used for cleaning, this technology enhances the water used and helps in reducing the amount of water used compared to the regular washing machines. b. THE BENEFITS It helps in reducing the costs for hotels. The amount of water used is very less compared to regular machines. Increases the life of linens which is the primary problems faced by hotels. A very new and innovative technique for washing the linen. C. LIMITATIONS The hotels needs to have an in house washing facility. Hence this facility can be used in huge hotels who have the money to invest. d. COMPARISON BETWEEN CONVENTIONAL AND XEROS CLEANING 7.4 HOTEL LINEN TRACKING SYSTEM Hotels need to make sure that the linen are properly managed. If not the hotel would incur high operational costs which would pull down the net profit. Many large scale hotels need to keep a proper tracking management system. This would help them in the long run. a. KEY TONE’S USE of RFID Among the various companies, key tone came up with the unique use of RFID. This technology helps the hotel to track down the linen. It shows a detailed description of where the linen is being dispatched. This way the Housekeeper can keep track of his linen. Bad linen management is the major problem is small scale hotels. This technology helps the hotel to come out of this problem. b. THE BENEFITS The hotel can keep track of their stock of linen. Reducing the cost of laundry because they know exactly the number of clean linen available. It leads to successful Housekeeping planning and puts less pressure on the Housekeepers. This technology generates various reports like ‘linen inventory report’, ‘linen discard report’, ‘shrinkage report’ and many more. c. LIMITATIONS The use of this technology would be high for hotels because individual sheets needs to be marked. CHAPTER 8 8. SUMMARY In this essay I have tried covering the various aspects of the Housekeeping department namely, overcoming the language barrier, innovative machines for cleaning rooms and maintaining the linen, the transition of lighting and new approaches adopted by hotels. All the topics I have chosen are encompassing around better planning for Housekeeping operations for example, innovative equipment’s available for cleaning rooms and maintaining linens, improving guest amenities supplies by starting innovative programs and finally improving guest expectation by employing and training staff in an innovative way and providing the guests with the best lighting.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Advocates for a New Social Order: Dickens, Marx, and the Trade Union i

Advocates for a New Social Order: Dickens, Marx, and the Trade Union in Hard Times For over a century, Charles Dickens has been praised as being the working man's advocate, and the lower classes have played a major role in peopling his vast world of characters. Always, the reader is left with a sense of sympathy and pity for these characters as Dickens' journalistic descriptions of their plight are often dramatic, stirring, and pathetic. Although he renders the living conditions of the poor in such a way that no reader can escape feeling sympathy for such characters, Dickens never once offers a solution to such distress. In Hard Times we find a man who suffers not only the degradations of the industrial city, but also the ostracism of his own kind when he refuses to join the ranks of a budding trade union. Dickens has often been deemed a reformer by many modern critics. However, if he truly sought reform for the treatment of the lower classes in Victorian England, why, then, does he refuse Stephen Blackpool a chance to take a part in that reform? Like Karl Marx an d Friedrich Engels, Dickens realized and reported upon the conditions of the working classes, but he chose to offer a more spiritual form of aid rather than to suggest a complete political reformation. Dickens published his views on labor issues in several of his journals, and he spoke on the subject frequently as well. Although he was moved by the plight of the workers, he could not understand why they would become violent at times. Peter Ackroyd cites a letter to Angela Burdett-Coutts, describing Dickens’ views on trade union violence. The reason for such violence, Dickens contends in the letter, is that the lower classes were being brainwashed and swindle... ... both a charitable and noble soul. He could not have joined the union as he did not believe it would help matters any, and he maintains his dignity even though he pays the ultimate penalty for it in the end. Works Consulted The Oxford History of Britain. Ed. Kenneth O. Morgan. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1984. Ackroyd, Peter. Dickens. New York: HarperCollins, 1990. Bowditch, John and Clement Ramsland. Voices of the Industrial Revolution. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1961. Dickens, Charles. Hard Times. Ed. George Ford and Sylvere Monod. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1990. ---. "Locked Out.† Household Words 8 (1854): 345-8. Faber, Richard. Proper Stations. London: Faber and Faber, 1971. Marx, Karl. The Grundrisse. Ed. and trans. David McLellan. New York: Harper, 1971. Williams, Raymond. Culture and Society: 1780-1950. New York: Harper, 1958.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Different School Systems Essay

In 1867 Catholic’s represented 17% of the population of Ontario, while Protestants represented 82% and other religions combined to 2% of the population. At the time of the confederation there was an issue that the province would be controlled by a protestant majority and might use its power over education to take away the rights of the minority Roman Catholic population. The solution to this problem was solved by the guarantee of the rights to a denominational education by entrenching it in the Constitution. Since 1867 the population of Canada has changed along with the different religious beliefs. This exemption of Catholic school being considered public seems discriminatory towards those of different religious beliefs. With Canada’s diverse multicultural population, is it reasonable in Ontario to consider Catholic Schools public and receive government funding , while other religion based schools are considered private, and receive no funding? The obvious conclusion would be that funding should be limited to public schools that are independent from religious indoctrination because funding of Catholic schools goes against our protected Charter of Rights, current non-religious based public schools are better in meeting the demands of the population, and finally other provinces have began to stop funding of all religion based schools. The first reason against the the funding of Catholic schools is that it goes against our protected Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In charter section 15 it states that â€Å"Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and in particular without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion†¦. †. This means if Catholic schools are funded by the government, why shouldn’t other religious based school be funded as well? The justification of section 15 (2) cannot be applied since Roman Catholics were never disadvantaged in the first place. Also the idea of this funding towards Catholic schools was created in to allow denominational education towards this particular group in response to the fear of the Catholic community losing its education rights. This does not solve the problem because this action does seem fair to the educational rights of other religious minorities. Also the funding of Catholic schools goes against charter section 2 which gives the â€Å"freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief and opinion†¦. Since a normal public school is independent from religious indoctrination why would we then have another public school going completely against that idea of independence of education? We then have cases in which coercion occurs. This funding also interferes with the idea of everyone being equal before the law since the charter section 29 basically prevents any other section of the charter to abrogates or derogates from any rights or privileges guaranteed by the Constitution of Canada. This allows for Catholic school funding continuing receiving its funding and prevents any individual to take action against this inequality. The second point which goes against the funding of Catholic Schools is the fact that current non-religious based public schools are better at meeting the demands of Ontario’s multicultural society. Since non-religious schools are free of any religious indoctrination it allows for a sense of equality being recognized by the community. The fact that there is no advantage or disadvantage being put onto a certain religious groups allows for there to be fewer arguments among different religious groups on education equality. Also since there is no religious beliefs placed in a non-religious based public school it is more free and open to all living in Ontario. Everyone is able to attend a public school without a worry of going against their own religious morals and beliefs. Also the curriculum being taught at a Catholic school is not more advanced than non-religious public schools, but instead the same standard. This means that Catholic schools being recognized as a public school system does not hold any significance except to cause disputes among individuals. The third and final point which goes against the funding of Catholic schools is the fact that other provinces have stopped funding of all religious based schools. This idea that other provinces have stopped funding these schools shows that a majority of Canada recognizes the problems with this type of funding. In Ontario it is required by law for an individual to get an education until he/she is 18 and may decide otherwise. Since every child gets a chance at a free education through the schools which the government funds, why should there be a preference in school systems which the government also funds? Why should individuals who pay taxes and send their kids to non-religious public school also have to cover for the cost for individuals who feel more special than the general population? Since no individual is really forced to go to a Catholic public school by law, why should it be considered public? In conclusion the idea of Catholic Schools being considered public was created to protect the education rights of the minority (Roman Catholics) during time of confederation. Now that time has passed the population of Ontario has changed and along with the religious beliefs of that population. This privilege given to the Roman Catholics now should change to accommodate the population of Canada. This should be done so by limiting funding to public schools that are independent from religious indoctrination because funding of Catholic schools goes against our protected Charter of Rights, current non-religious based public schools are better in meeting the demands of the population, and finally other provinces have began to stop funding of all religion based schools.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Essay

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States, explains to his readers why the colonies chose to abolish Great Britain’s government. His goal is to inform the readers that the government has certain responsibilities to the governed and that the British failed to adhere to its responsibilities to its colonists. His second goal is to justify their actions by explaining why it was not considered treason. By establishing his credibility and appealing to ethos, pathos and logos, Jefferson successfully wrote an informative, impactful, and inspirational document. In order for Jefferson to earn his readers’ support, he needs to establish his credibility. He does so by stating that â€Å"it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands† and â€Å"a decent respect to the opinions of mankind.† By acknowledging his needs of explaining to his educated readers the reasons for the coloniesâ€℠¢ actions, he shows them that he is an intelligent man of good character and good intentions. In the second paragraph, Jefferson stated â€Å"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to emphasize that he is cautious and reasonable. Before listing the grievances, he stated â€Å"let Facts be submitted to a candid world.† He wishes to share them to an honest and sincere world to establish a common ground with the audience. After listing the grievances, he guaranteed the readers of the colonists’ honest efforts to fix the conflict without having to separate by asserting â€Å"We have petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only repeated injury.† He continues by affirming that the colonists have tried to appeal to the King and â€Å"our British brethren.† His usage of the word â€Å"brethren† shows that he is humble, respectful, and good willed. He concludes the declaration with an honorable avowal which states that the representatives of the United States of America are willing to pledge â€Å"our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor† for the principles spoken in the declaration. In Jefferson’s declaration, both the organization and the use of logic are effective and adequate. He begins with the colonistsâ €™Â  fundamental beliefs that â€Å"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.† He addresses that the role of the government is to secure and protect the rights of the people. As he proceeds, he states that if the government fails to â€Å"secure these rights,† then â€Å"it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and institute new Government.† Jefferson then creates a list of ways in which the British government has violated and stripped the colonists of their rights. Through the inductive proof, he explains the reason in which the colonists must become independent from Britain to gain freedom and to be treated fairly. The list of grievances strongly appeals to his audience’s emotions. Jefferson utilizes a powerful, emotional diction to implement the colonists’ sentiments toward the King’s character into his writing. He uses certain words such as tyrants, invasions, murders, abdicated, death, desolation, cruelty, barbarous, and destruction. These words make the audience establish a sympathetic feeling towards the colonists and that the King is â€Å"totally unworthy [to be] the Head of a civilized nation† and â€Å"unfit to be the ruler of a free people.† Jefferson emphatically proves the injustice and brutality of the King and Parliament. Based on the Declaration of Independence, Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolution to express freedom to the American public for equality with men under the law, in education and employment. Stanton explains to her readers why depriving women from their rights is unconstitutional and unjust. Her first goal is to convince the men and women of the United States in the support of women’s rights movement. . Her second goal is to demand the rights of women as right-bearing individuals be recognized and respected by society. By utilizing logical argument, establishing her credibility and appealing to the audience’s emotions, Stanton is able to convey a sense of endorsement. Stanton modeled her declaration with the Declaration of Independence to illustrate that her list of logical arguments are simple and clear. She states that â€Å"we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to address that every human being is created with the same qualities; thus, women should not be treated differently. She understands that her audience knows the â€Å"inalienable rights† that the  government must protect and secure. Believing in this belief, Stanton wants the audience to question why women are not awarded with rights when both sexes are claimed to have been given by the Creator. Her references to religion effectively force the audience to believe that the laws created by the government displease God and his law of equality. Stanton proceeds to list the grievances that women experienced in the United States. Her use of diction and syntax evoke certain emotions out of the audience. Similar to the Declarati on of Independence, Stanton uses repetition in her list to emphasize and impact the audience emotionally. In the list, Stanton states that â€Å"he has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments†¦she receives but a scanty remuneration.† This is one of the oppression that effectively appeals to the audience’s emotion. She wants her readers to feel sympathy over what it is like to work tirelessly for long hours to not being able to keep the money. Stanton uses powerful languages such as â€Å"civilly dead† and â€Å"long train of abuses and usurpations† to persuade the audience to see her point and join the movement. For Stanton’s argument to work, she has to earn her readers’ trust. She knows that most of the women will support her demands; however, she especially needs to gain the support from men for the argument to be more effective. She establishes credibility by utilizing similar words from the Declaration of Independence to demonstrate that she is intelligent. In the last paragraph, she states â€Å"we insist that they have imme diate admission to all the rights and privileges†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to show that she is humble and courteous. She is not asking to take anything from men, but rather she is simply insisting that women get the same rights as men. Both drafts consist of definite logical arguments, well-organized ethical and powerful emotional appeals. Thomas Jefferson and Elizabeth Cady Stanton successfully utilize a wide range of elements to draw the audience and convince them to support their cause. Their passion and determination to gain freedom while experiencing the obstacle of unequal rights were strongly expressed in their writings. Although rhetoric is used by many to create a negative connotation, authors utilize rhetorical strategies to achieve their purpose of persuading or informing an argument. Thomas Jefferson was able to eloquently draft an inspirational and resounding declaration formed the basis for the American Revolution. His declaration became a significant role model for other countries and people who were experiencing similar conflicts  such as France and women. By implementing rhetorical devices, he was able to convince many Americans that independence, which they first apprehended as evil, was in truth a benediction.