Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Is the Scarlet Letter a Proto Feminist Novel - 1510 Words

Jennifer Drawdy Mrs.Marcano American Literature 3rd period February 21, 2012 Is The Scarlet Letter a Proto Feminist Novel? â€Å"Is The Scarlet Letter a Proto Feminist Novel?† The Scarlet Letter is a very well-known novel, between the scandals and lies. It starts off with a woman named Hester Prynne. Hester decides to leave her husband behind to migrate to Boston. A couple years later, Hester gives birth to a baby girl named Pearl in prison. Hester refused to reveal the father of Pearl. The town then forces Hester to wear a scarlet letter A upon her dress. This stands for adultery. When the town briefly allows Hester out of prison, they force her to stand on a scaffold to show her sin. While this is all going on, Hester’s husband†¦show more content†¦Across the country, some social conservatives are fighting for what they view as a critical article of faith: criminal adultery laws. In the U.S., in the year 2010, people can still be prosecuted for breaching their marital vows. The laws are some of the last remnants of our Puritanical past, where infidelity was treated as not only a marital but also as a criminal matter.(Turley 1-4) About two dozen states still have criminal adultery provisions. While prosecutions remain rare, they do occur. And beyond the criminal realm, these provisions can be cited in divorce proceedings, custody disputes, and employment cases and even to bar people from serving on juries. Though someone such as Tiger Woods might not be prosecuted, these laws could be cited in any divorce proceedings to show not just infidelity but also possible criminality in his lifestyle.(Turley 1-2) When the Puritans came to this land, they left a country where the English treated adultery as largely a civil and personal matter. The Puritans wanted to create a society where moral dictates were enforced by harsh corporal punishments. Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter accurately portrayed colonial America under such criminal laws enforcing religious values. There was extensive entanglement between church and state, with adulterers punished for their immorality. In 1644, Mary Latham and James Britton w ere hanged for their adultery in Massachusetts. (Turley 1-3) TheShow MoreRelatedThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1641 Words   |  7 PagesThe Scarlet Letter is a story about a woman, Hester Prynne, who painfully lived her life in shame because of the adultery she committed in a1840s American colony. The way she and the other characters conducted themselves after the reveal of Hester’s baby all show a deeper meaning into what kind of person each character was, which can be interpreted in many ways. The story was written by a man named Nathaniel Hawthorne, only about a decade after his story took place, which meant that society in hisRead MoreSimilarities and Differences Between Anne Hutchinson and Hester Prynne1607 Words   |  7 PagesSimilarities and Differences between Anne Hutchinson and Hester Prynne While many people may feel that Anne Hutchinson has nothing in common with Hester Pyrnne they actually more alike than most people would think. Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,† used many references to Anne Hutchinson in his book. During his life, he wrote a sketch of Hutchinson thus portraying his interest towards her and the characteristics of her life. It could be accurate to say that Anne Hutchinson was used as

Monday, December 23, 2019

Illegal Immigration And The United States - 948 Words

Still to today illegal immigration is a reoccurring issue, there are many illegal immigrants that live and work in the United States, and with that being said it must be improved so that illegal aliens are deported if they aren’t able to become legalized. An illegal immigrant is somebody that moves to a country to stay there without any form of identification. Throughout this essay I will be discussing how the amount of illegal immigrants in the United States has significantly expanded, and the repercussions amongst that. Illegal immigration has been a reoccurring issue in the U.S for many years, and many problems have developed because of it. For instance overpopulation is a big concern. Immigration is the largest issue adding to overpopulation. â€Å"Some environmentalists believe that immigrants contribute to overpopulation and strain the nation s natural resources. And some blacks (and white sympathizers) worry that immigrants are stealing opportunities from Americas oldest and still most downtrodden minority†(Kinsley, 1). Over 2.25 million people of overpopulation are cause by immigration. â€Å"In 2014, it was reported that there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States. The population has remained essentially stable for five years, and currently makes up 3.5% of the nation’s population†(Krogstad). The United States is already over populated, and to have continuous amounts of immigrants coming illegally doesn’t help reduce the amount. Many conse quencesShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration And The United States1573 Words   |  7 Pagesmillion illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States furthermore, for the United States economy. The correctional prerequisites against migrants were added to enactment to protect it from feedback that acquittal is absolution without outcome. Immigration makes a difference among everybody, and Congress ought to be doing everything in its energy to make it as simple as feasible for settlers to live and work lawfully what s more, openly in the United States. The United States is knownRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1315 Words   |  6 PagesFor ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual averageRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States969 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican businessman, politician, television personality, and author, is the presumptive of the y for president of the United States in 2016having won the most state primaries and caucuses and delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. Trump’s positions in opposition to illegal immigration, various free trade agreements that he believes are unfair, and most military interventionism have earned him particular support among blue-collar voters and voters without college degrees. Many of hisRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1486 Words   |  6 PagesIllegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for a long time so the issues that come with it should not be a surprise. America was established on the basis of newcomers settling here from abroad. Recently though, thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the U.S. through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico which has created a new an unanticipated issue for the U.S., in the past immigrants came from Europe and passed through the Ellis Island stationRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The United States1805 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal immigration is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Some c ountries have millions of illegal immigrants. Immigration, including illegal immigration, is overwhelmingly upward, from a poorer to a richer country. The easy definition of an undocumented immigrant is someone who was not born in the United States and therefore has no legal right to be or remain in the United States. Not all undocumented immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigration : The United States1876 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal Immigration Due to the economic benefits of immigrant labor, the dangers of central American countries, and the basic human rights of noncitizens, the US government must grant amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Illegal immigration has become a rising issue in the US over the past few years, and it will continue to heat up coming into this year s presidential election. This issue is also very present in the local community due to it’s diversity and large Hispanic population. GenerallyRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States1864 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal Immigration In The United States: A Controversial Debate Illegal immigration is an on-going issue, which is of much importance in the United States today. It has been overlooked for many years, however it has reached a point where it can no longer be ignored. Most of the illegal immigrants, 54% to be exact, come through the Mexican border. (Hayes 5) Since the early 1980’s, the number of illegal Mexican immigrants has risen at an incredible rate, causing the United States government to takeRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States Essay2094 Words   |  9 PagesIllegal Immigration in the United States Illegal Immigration in the United States The United States (US) has always been viewed as the land of opportunity because it is the only true free country in the world. This being the case people have been fighting their way into the country for decades. However, it is becoming more and more of a problem each decade that passes. With the United States border being so close to Mexico it is now seeing the highest population of illegal immigrants toRead MoreDeportation: Immigration to the United States and Illegal Alien2373 Words   |  10 Pagesadvance because of the way the immigration process works. However, one thing we all had in mind, was to see the light of a different country, see different faces and hopefully find ways to stay. Once the airplane took off, words was already spread all over the office of Haiti air in Florida that the airplane left Haiti with more than 30 Haitian illegal on board. The first few 2 hours spent at the arrival office was like a discovery of a new world for every single illegal in that group. This was oneRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Immigration In The United States1091 Words   |  5 Pagesarrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes. (De Leon, K) The new legislation, created by California Senate President Kevin de Leon, officially makes the state of California a â€Å"sanctuary state†. Previously, de Leon determined that Donald Trump is a racist because of his positions on immigration; most notably, Trump’s attempt to defund cities that considered themselves sanctuaries. In a debate that is becoming increasingly more polarized, Brown sought to protect illegal immigrants against

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Benefits to Running Bleachers Free Essays

Athletes, along with others trying to get into shape usually incorporate running bleachers into their exercise routines. This activity has a variety of health and physical fitness benefit. One obvious benefit is the ability for body to develop more efficiently than running on a flat surface. We will write a custom essay sample on Benefits to Running Bleachers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Another benefit is the increase of the heart rate. The heart rate increases because the activity is much more intense than running regularly or jogging. Jogging bleachers requires the exercise to be performed at a higher intensity. This type of workout helps to teach an individual’s cardiovascular system to recovery quickly. This is because after going up the bleachers and resting for a few seconds, the body needs to be ready to be able to work hard again once it is time to run back up. This workout is known as a cardiovascular exercise which is effective in burning calories. This helps to increase the body fat loss and allows the heart rate to elevate for at least 30 minutes. A big reason why most athletes run bleachers is because of its ability to increase leg power. In certain sports, such as basketball, soccer, football and track, leg power is necessary to better the performance of the player. Climbing up the bleacher requires the quadriceps and glute muscles in the legs to push off each step with force. Running bleachers also puts more of a variety into an average person’s workout. This prevents muscles from adapting and allows them to continue development. For runners, finding a set of bleachers to run can be considered a break from their same daily route, which will keep them from becoming tired. For those who are not runners, bleachers will most certainly help to work out the muscles throughout the legs. Although running bleachers can be considered cruel punishment in gym classes, it is an effective exercise that keeps the heart healthy and the legs muscular. How to cite Benefits to Running Bleachers, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Logic Function and Boolean Algebra Report

Questions: 1. Explain why modern machines consist of multiple levels of virtual machines. Why not just have two levels, the digital logic level and the high-language programming level? 2. Given a (very) tiny computer that has a word size of 6 bits, what are the smallest negative numbers and the largest positive numbers that this computer can represent in each of the following representations? a. Signed magnitudeb. One's complementc. Two's complement3. Convert the followings: a. AC1216 to binary b. 10710 to 8-bit 2s Complement c. ********012 to Hexadecimal d. ********2 (8-bit 2s complement representation) to decimal 4. A Computer uses IEEE-754 format to represent floating points. What value (in decimal) the computer represents if the floating point is represented using the following binary digits: 110000010101000000000000000000005. Charles Sturt University (CSU) academic director want to hire a lecture in Sydney Study Center. The applicant has worked in three universities before; University of N ew South Wales (UNSW), Macquarie University, and Sydney University. Before he will hire him, he must get input from these three universities. After few weeks of receiving feedback from all three, he has come to the following conclusions: Hire if two of them say yes and one says no. Hire if all of them say yes. Don't hire otherwise.Construct a truth table and find the minimized Boolean function to implement the logic telling the director when to hire. Draw a circuit diagram for the Boolean function.6. Complete the truth table for the following sequential circuit: Answers: 1. In virtual system the original thing is not used. Only the image of the original this is used which looks like original to the user. There are so many places where the virtual environment is being used like Server, network, storage etc. There are so many techniques now a days which are being used by IT firms e.g. virtual tools, virtual machines etc. By using Virtual machines, IT firms create their virtual data centre which can be managed centrally by all branches of the IT firms in very low of budget. The virtualization can be done of so many things like server, storage devices; CPU etc. the most commonly used types of virtualization are- Process level, System Level and OS virtualization. Applications become larger and become complicated by using different types of technologies. Quality and usability attributes cannot be measured in the physical environment. That is why, virtual architecture helps to increase the quality and usability attributes. There may be many changes at all stages in the physical environment which is not easy to change at all places. Virtual environment helps in resolving these types of issues. Virtual environment is very beneficial in the time essential fields. For example when the time is very less and very critical, the virtual environment is very beneficial in those cases. It is very beneficial from the business point of view. E.g. in the banking system, the virtual takes few minutes setup while the traditional physical environment takes hours in setup. So the Virtual environment saves the time and money both. Virtual environment is very cost effective also. It saves the cost of the physical setup. Virtual environment minimizes the geographical limitation. The business can be easily connected with the consumers on the internet throughout the world. There is no problem of the location. The consumer can access the system from anywhere in the world. The consumer does not have to go outside from the home to buy the products. The competitive environment of any organization for virtual systems can be analysed by PEST and SWOT analysis very efficiently. The SWOT analysis is helpful to understand the market position of the company and helpful to implement future direction and the new proposed system. While the PEST analysis is used to evaluate external factors. The SWOT analysis measures the business unit and PEST analysis measures the trends and changes in the market. The SWET analysis analyse the following terms- Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. While the PEST analysis analyse the external factors which can affect the project like- Political Factors, Economic Factors, Social Factors and Technological Factors. The levels of modern virtual are more than digital logic and high language programming level; to secure the IT environment. These things are implemented by the modern virtual machines- Partitioning Hardware Independence Encapsulation Isolation If all the above four things get implemented in the IT environment, the disaster recovery would be very easily without disturbing any other unrelated component and the transaction will run without any trouble. The disaster recovery is very costly in the earlier environment or earlier virtual machines but in modern virtual machines which contain more levels, there are very easy, time saving and low budget disaster recovery techniques. Earlier it took 40 hours approximately while in modern virtual environment, it takes 4 hours approximately. Therefore is helps in saving time and resource utilization for the current systems. It is the demand of today and is helping to the IT firms in a very huge manner. In physical environment there were so many steps had to be followed like Configure Hardware, Install OS, Configure OS, Install backup, Start automatic recovery etc. But in modern virtual machines, there is no need to follow up all the above steps. It is only because of more levels than digital logic and high language programming level. (Microsoft 2014) 2 a) Largest Positive and Smallest Negative numbers in Signed Magnitude- Largest Positive: 011111(31) Smallest Negative: 100000(31) 2 b) Largest Positive and Smallest Negative numbers in ones complement- Largest Positive: 0111112(31) Smallest Negative: 1000002(-31) Ones complement works as a negative number of any numbers in arithmetic. It is obtained by inverting the binary numbers bits. 2 c) Largest Positive and Smallest Negative numbers in twos complement- Largest Positive: 0111112(31) Smallest Negative: 1000002(-32) (Digilent Inc. 2014) Twos complement works as a mathematical operation on binary numbers and it represents the binary signed number also. It is widely used in the computer language that is why it is most important. 3 a) Convert AC1216to binary Convert AC12 hexadecimal to Binary To convert hexadecimal number into binary number transforms each number into binary form. 1010 1100 0001 0010 Hexadecimal is a positional number system which with base 16. It contains and uses 16 numbers; 0 to 9 and A to F. A, B, C, D, E, F is used for 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 respectively. 3 b) 10710to 8-bit 2s Complement First convert 107 to binary because the binary representation of -107 would be equal to the 2s complement of 107- -107 binary representation= 2s complement of 107 Binary representation of 107 107/2 = (53) + 1 53/2 = (26) + 1 26/2 = (13) + 0 13/2 = (6) + 1 6/2 = (3) + 0 3/2 = (1) + 1 = (0) + 1 =1101011 The binary number gets obtained from the decimal number by dividing the number by 2 and then collecting the remainder numbers. Ones complement of 1101011= 0010100 Twos complement of 1101011= 0010101 Ones complement works as a negative number of any numbers in arithmetic. It is obtained by inverting the binary numbers bits and Twos complement works as a mathematical operation on binary numbers and it represents the binary signed number also. It is widely used in the computer language that is why it is most important. Twos complement can be obtained by adding 1 digit in ones complement. 3 c) 11001101012to Hexadecimal Make the pairs of 4 digits for the octal representation =0011 0011 0101 =335 3 d) 100111102(8-bit 2s complement representation) to decimal 10011110 to Decimal 1*(2)p7+0*(2)p6+0*(2)p5+1*(2)p4+1*(2)p3+1*(2)p2 +1*(2)p1+0*(2)p0 =1*128+0*64+0*32+1*16+1*8+1*4+1*2+0*1 =128+0+0+16+8+4+2+0 =158 (Stack Exchange Inc. 2012) Binary number gets converted into decimal number by multiplying each binary digit by 2 raise to power, starting from 0 from the right hand side and then by adding all numbers. 4. A Computer uses IEEE-754 format to represent floating points. What value (in decimal) the computer represents if the floating point is represented using the following binary digits: 11000001010100000000000000000000 To convert 11000001010100000000000000000000 to decimal in the computer; which uses IEEE-754; following steps have to be followed- Step1 First split the binary number 11000001010100000000000000000000 into 1 + 8 + 23 bits- 1 10000010 10100000000000000000000 The sign bit is 1, therefore the number is negative. Another 8 bits 10000010 are exponent And another 23 bits 10100000000000000000000 are mantissa Step 2- Add the hidden bit to the mantissa- 1.10100000000000000000000 Step 3- Convert exponent (10000010) to decimal and then subtract 127 = 130 -127 =3 2**3 Step 4- Now renormalize the mantissa- = 1.10100000000000000000000 times 2**3 = (1+ 1*(2**-1)+1*(2**-3) ) times 2**3 = (1+0.5+0.125) times 2**3 =1.625 times 2**3 =13 As the sign is negative, the 11000001010100000000000000000000 in decimal would be -13.0. (S.Orley, J. Methews 2000) 5. Charles Sturt University (CSU)academic director want to hire a lecture in Sydney Study Center. The applicant has worked in three universities before; University of New South Wales (UNSW), Macquarie University, and Sydney University. Before he will hire him, he must get input from these three universities. After few weeks of receiving feedback from all three, he has come to the following conclusions: Hire if two of them say yes and one says no. Hire if all of them say yes. Don't hire otherwise. Construct a truth table and find the minimized Boolean function to implement the logic telling the director when to hire. Draw a circuit diagram for the Boolean function. A, B and C is the input value and X is the result based upon the input conditions. If any of the two inputs are positive, the output result will also be positive and if all the three inputs are positive, the result will be positive but if any two of the inputs are negative the result will be negative. The candidate will be selected for the post of lecturer only if the result is positive; if at least two inputs are yes. The truth table is a mathematical table which is used in Boolean algebra logics and functions. It helps to understand typical logics easily. It helps to understand gates logics. Following truth table is describing the criteria to hire the applicant- A B C X 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ABC=1 0 1 1 1 ABC=1 1 0 1 1 ABC=1 1 1 1 1 ABC=1 Therefore the output in the form of Boolean function would be- Output= ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC But the function is not minimized; following is the minimized function- = ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC = BC (A+A) + ABC + ABC =BC (1) + ABC + ABC =BC + ABC + ABC =B (C+ AC) + ABC =B (C + A) + ABC =BC + BA + ABC =BC + A (B + BC) =BC + A (B + C) =BC + AB + AC =AB + BC + AC (R.M. Dansereau, n.d) Now this is the minimized Boolean function for the truth table to appoint the applicant. Circuit diagram for the above minimized function is as follows- 6. Truth Table The truth table is a mathematical table which is used in Boolean algebra logics and functions. It helps to understand typical logics easily. It helps to understand gates logics. It shows the relationship between input and output of logic gates. Input of logic gates get displayed in left side columns and output get displayed on right side columns. The minimal Boolean function can be found with the help of truth table. Following example shows the truth table- A, B and C is the input value and X is the result based upon the input conditions. If any of the two inputs are positive, the output result will also be positive and if all the three inputs are positive, the result will be positive but if any two of the inputs are negative the result will be negative. A B C X 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Following is the truth table for the given circuit- Next State A B X A B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 References [1] Stack Exchange Inc. 2012, Mathematics, Viewed on 28th Jan 2015 https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/44866/conversion-from-binary-fraction-to-octal [2] R.M. Dansereau (n.d), Chapter III Boolean Algebra, Viewed on 28th Jan 2015 https://users.ece.gatech.edu/dva/ece2030/files/lec3.pdf [3] Microsoft 2014, Virtual Machine Architecture, Viewed on 28th Jan 2015 https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc708365(v=ws.10).aspx [4] S.Orley, J. Methews 2000, A Quick Summary of IEEE 754 Notation, Viewed on 28th Jan 2015 https://class.ece.iastate.edu/arun/Cpre305/ieee754/homepage.html [5] Digilent Inc. 2014, Negative Binary Numbers, Viewed on 28th Jan 2015 https://learn.digilentinc.com/Documents/280